Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Team Fire and Ice 2.0

Hi y'all.  I'd like to be the first to introduce you to Team Fire & Ice 2.0.  We've moved!  We can now be found in our new and improved version at http://teamfireandice.wordpress.com/.  So what makes us improved, you ask. Well, we've merged our fucktastic blog with our sister podcast Southern Twinights and two of our favorite blogs Decode Banners and Twi-fiction Addiction. 

We will no longer be posting our fantastic fuckery on this site :(  but we will be posting new and better fuckery at our new page.  So, head over there and check us and our new members out.  We will be having fic recs, contests, awards, podcasts, banners and much more.  See you guys there.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcome To Our Newest Affiliate - Toxic Lautner

Team Fire & Ice would like to take a moment to welcome our newest affiliate, Toxic Lautner. It is a site dedicated to all things Taylor Lautner including Wolfpack fan fiction!

The owner of the site sent me a lovely review and rec'd my fic "Abandon" on the site and after looking over the site, I would give it the Team Fire's seal of approval!

So for the Team Fire crew, this site's for you!

Much love to the new friends at Toxic Lautner and let us know if there is anything that Team Fire and Ice can help you with!

Twilight Gem Awards

I'd like to take a moment to toot my own little horn.
My baby, my very first fan fic "Abandon" got nominated for a
Twilight Gem Award in the Pearl Round for none other than the Werewolves!
Nominations are still open until Nov. 24th!
Rules are easy: must have 300 or less reviews and be a Wolf-fic.

Thanks to whoever nominated me! You are the awesome!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fandom People Awards Recognizes Team Fire & Ice Members

The Fandom People Awards results were released today, and SURPRISE several members of Team Fire & Ice were recognized by YOU!  For a complete list of the results visit the Fandom People Awards site

Review Shout Out



Update Shout Out


Honorable Mention Reader Epic Squee


Honorable Mention Reader PIMP


Honorable Mention Reviewer Inspiration








Honorable Mention Artist (Banner)













Congrats to all the winners!!!  And thanks so much to those of you who nominated all of us.  I can just feel the love pouring down into my ears and squishing around in my socks. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NKOTB - My first crush (20 years before Twilight)

I think I speak for EVERYONE when I say...

Okay so it's not Twilight related but still! How can you deny that you didn't like these guys when you were a Pre-Teen/Teen? Right?

They have aged incredibly well!

Cupcake Wars Winners

Thank you so much to all of you who entered into our little contest. We are so thankful for the entries we received and I'm very happy to see the results of your labor!
Our winners are:

(Banners by ThatPanicGirlE)

(Banner by CereuleanBlue)

Huge thanks to the ladies at TwiFicNews and TwilightAwards for helping us pimp this contest out. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who tweeted or re-tweeted our contest!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cupcake Wars voting has ended!

The votes are being tallied, banners are being constructed and we will announce the winners LIVE through TwiFicNews' live podcast on Tuesday night! Check in with TwiFicNews for more information on how to listen in on the winners! Thanks so much to those who voted and entered in our contest. Tons of love your way!

Breaking the Seal, a crackfic by CereuleanBlue


Way back in June when we all got together for the Eclipse premiere, poochi_mama, ThatPanicGirlE and CereuleanBlue all had a whacked out conversation that was fueled by the presence of our resident unicorn HanFauxLo, copious amounts of wine, Blue’s Double DDs, and Twilight RiffTrax.  We speculated on quite a few things, but the most memorable was the idea that Edward should be able to hear Bella’s thoughts after popping the old cherry or “breaking the seal.”  We guessed that the resulting stammer & blink-a-thon would quickly turn him into a homicidal maniac that could only be stopped by a speeding meteor from the depths of space.  Poochi_mama then dared Blue to turn it into her first crackfic.  After much procrastinating, whining and general fuckery, it is done.  This one is dedicated to ThatPanicGirlE, poochi_mama and their bewbies.  Enjoy.


PS.  Feel free to leave me a review and let me know exactly which medication I need to ask my psychiatrist for while I’m in the bewbie hatch (pun intended).

Friday, October 22, 2010

Because Once Isn't Enough...

Dear Angel (FangBanger06):
Saying goodbye is tough. Saying goodbye to someone that you respect is tougher. I'm just glad I can still call you my friend (and by friend I mean person I stalk on twitter).
Here's to you, my dear.

This is Russell. Russell is sad that you won't be hanging out here at TF&I anymore. In fact, he's so upset, he's decided to run away and marry a rock star who looks like Zooey Deschanel's slutty sister.

This is what we expect your employee ID to look like when you get your job as the Head Librarian of Awesomeness.

This little ditty is here just to prove 2 things:
1. We're old.
2. Awesome songs are awesome.

Today, we say goodbye to an Angel

I have a serious sad right now. Ms. Fangbanger06 has decided to retire from Team Fire and Ice and I have to say, I'll miss her. She had me at hello with her crackfics and her wittiness on Twitter. I really appreciate her joining us and she will always be a part of our TF&I family!

So as a goodbye treat, I wanted to repost my favorite crackfic by her. It was this story that made me want her in our team!

Leopard Print Bras and Pearl Snap Shirts by Fangbanger06

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And since E is a copy cat of a copy cat...

Voting is Open for the Cupcake Wars Contest


Visit our Fanfiction.net profile to choose your favorites.  Voting is open until Saturday, October 30. 


Cuz C. Blue is a copycat…


Back to Basics

Hi there, lovers.
It's been a crazy month in the fandom, no? We've witnessed some solid and not-so-solid) fics come to and end and be pulled. We've seen kitties bear their claws and attack the imaginary personas that have been created on the interwebs. We've also seen all-out attacks on authors and readers. Did our jaws drop at the nerve? Yes. Did we guiltily giggle? Yes. Did we jump on the bandwagon? A little.
Well, _mama is here to pour a little sap on things.
You see, while all of this craziness was (is) going on in the fandom, my real life has been upside down and inside out (no, I didn't show the party people what it's all about, but I digress). I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say that it ain't been pretty. And you know what? I'd be willing to bet that your RL hasn't been all sunshine and roses either. But anyway...
Last night, I was going back through my massive To-be-Read list and clicked the link for Osa Bella by Myg. It was 9:30, I'd just gotten home, hadn't seen my now-sleeping children all day, and was on the verge of a panic attack. The idea of escaping for a chapter or two seemed ideal.
Escape I did. This beautiful story (I'll be rec'ing on the next podcast) took my mind off the stress that has clouded my brain and infiltrated my chest - constantly pounding and squeezing - trying to get out through tears or screams. I was calm. My mind wasn't racing. My stomach wasn't in knots. It was fucking awesome.
Lovers, have we forgotten why we got into this fandom to begin with? Have we forgotten what it's all supposed to be about?
We are all from very different walks of life, bound together by the internet and our love for fictional characters that we've related to in some way, shape, or form. Perhaps you see yourself as a Bella, desperately searching for love and acceptance. Maybe you're an Alice, always looking out for others and trying to spread hope to those around you. Or maybe you're one of the Rosalies, disenchanted with the world, yet fiercely driven to protect those closest to you. No matter who you identify with - you're beautiful just the way you are.
The authors who bring us these stories do so out of the kindness of their hearts. They take time away from their jobs, their friends, their families, and sit down with us to weave dreams that take us away from the bitterness of our realities. They share their world to distract us from our own.
Does every self-proclaimed author have what it takes to become a true published author? Well, does every bird have what it takes to become an eagle? No. But they all fly, nonetheless.
The point of all my musing is this: let's step back and appreciate each other rather than tearing each other down. Let's remember the sacrifice involved in bearing your soul to the world through words.
As LolaShoes' Blissward would say - let's have a love day.

Hugs, Kisses, and Bewbie gropes to all,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Once Bitten, Twice Shy – Chapter 23 up on FFn


Chapter 23 is now live on fanfiction.net.  Hope you enjoy. 


Never Say Goodbye

Ok, I feel the need to pimp ThatPanicGirlE out like the hoor I know she is (JK).  E is usually an AH girl as evidenced by her postings on Fanfiction.net, but something in the After Your Heart Stops Beating contest inspired her to crank out a Vamp Bella/Jacob fic in one night.  When she sent it to me to beta, I knew she was onto something special here, even if it didn’t end with a HEA.  I even made her a little banner to go on her blog. 


So, if you haven’t read it yet, go on and check it out, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite entries in the contest.



Only 5 days left to enter the Cupcake Wars contest!

Don't forget that all the Cupcake Wars
contest entries are due by October 15th!

Click here for the link!

Pic Tease for OBTS Chapter 23

Friday, October 8, 2010

After Your Heart Stops Beating contest hosted by TwiCharmed and Wordslinger

Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if Bella decided to go back to Jacob after turning into a Vampire?

Taken from the contest page:

"Hosted by Wordslinger and TwiCharmed

This contest started as a curiosity of what could happen if somehow Bella ended up with Jacob after she was changed. TwiCharmed is an Edward/Bella shipper who usually hates vamp Bella. Wordslinger is a Jacob lover who reads like crazy and will give you the best rec's. So of course TwiCharmed asked her for the good Jacob/vampBella rec's when this crazy idea came up. Problem is, there are VERY few fics out there featuring our favorite wolf with vamped out Bella. So being the selfish bitches that they are, they decided to host a contest and get exactly what they want."

This is perfect for the B/Jacob shippers or those of you who just want to write Bella a vampire. Contest starts October 10th and you can find more information by clicking here.

(P.S. I wrote an entry for it.. check it out and I hope you like it. "Never Say Goodbye")

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ThatPanicGirle's Review of "Bend Me, Break Me" by dariachenowith

First off...

Yes, I said HOLY SHIT!

It's been a really long time since I've been so enthralled with any kind of story of this magnitude.

It's graphic, it's perplexing and by God is it written ever so well!

The story follows along with Bella, a woman who tries her best to convince the bank that she needs an extension with her loans and when the bank manager doesn't give her the extension she needs, she goes off on him.

"Do you ever think about why our country is going down? Because of people like you! I always wondered how it came to be that perfectly normal people snapped, but you make me see how that's possible!"

She's threatened to be dragged out of the bank if she doesn't quit making a scene and that's when she meets a very handsome man who understands her points.

Suit Guy:

"An interesting point you make there. Reminds me of Alain Badiou when he said that 'Liberal capitalism is not at all the Good of humanity. Quite the contrary; it is the vehicle of savage, destructive nihilism.' Don't you agree?"

Bella's rebbutle:

Irritation pushed back the stunned fascination, and after only a moment of gawking I was able to gather my wits again.

"Sounds like the justification of someone about to run amok. Or as Timothy Leary would say, 'Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top.'"

Then all hell breaks loose. A bank robbery ensues, hostages are taken and everything goes to hell in a bucket.

I'm not going to tell ANYTHING else about what happens because it gives it all away but if you haven't read this story, then something is seriously wrong with you!

Go. Read. Now.

I barely do something like this unless it needs to be read… so go.

Why are you still here reading this?


(I'll post the link to the interview with JustByBreathing and the Twi-Fiction Addiction Crew soon)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Team Fire and Ice wishes KM3 a Happy Birthday


All of here at Team Fire and Ice want to wish our favorite Fire-hoor, kennedymommy3 a very happy birthday.  From what I understand there shall be some serious birthday buzz going on tonight, so before you’re too drunk to see straight I decided to post this for your birthday. 

Oh, by the way, when we told Taylor Lautner it was your birthday, he decided to hold a wet t-shirt contest against himself to see who could do the sexiest wet pose for you.

So, CB whipped out her handy camera and took some shots.  First he showed up at the beach on his motorcycle…


Then, he decided to play a little in the waves (after changing his shirt of course).

imagesCA37LRMD taylor-lautner-shirtless-the-sword-4

After all that hard work, he (and his shirt) got pretty tired so Blue decided he could have a little break and gave him a bottle of water.


Blue then found out the place had a pool, but the only outfit Taylor had left was a tux.  We said, “Fuck it,” and pushed him in the pool anyway.

wet-and-handsome_476x319  After going through all the shots, the general consensus was that this one was the winner, just for sheer difficulty of execution.

imagesCASGMIM3Oh yeah, and we got a little noisy, so the birthday fairy got wind of where we were and showed up. 

cd137She asked us what your birthday wish would be, and we decided you would probably want to be turned into a pair of jorts.  We had these in mind…

Taylor%20Lautner%20&%20Kristen%20StewartUnfortunately she thought we meant these….

   jorts-24 Sorry :( ….

But happy birthday anyway.  We effing love you!!!!

P.S.  Blue says no making out with any strange Mexicans tonight…  MK would not appreciate it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hidden Star Winners Posted

HSA I think this happened a while ago and I totally missed it, but I thought since three of us were nom’d for the award you’d be interested in who the winners were.  None of us won, but we were up against some pretty stiff competition if you ask me. 


Congrats to all the winers, and thanks to all those who voted!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Driving in Moonshine Chapter 1 Posted

Driving in Moonshine
Rated M for Violence, Language & Sexual Situations
Edward, Jasper, Emmett & Alice
A/N: This is a story about the 1940s Moonshine Runners and involves Edward, Emmett, Jasper and Alice.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ThatPanicGirle's working with Decode Banners

I was recently recruited to work with Decode Banners to create banners and blinkies for the members of TwiFandom. Bonnie has been a doll and I'm excited to be working with her. If you ever need anything, just check out the website and submit your ideas to us. We'll be more than glad to help.


My banner is done for my new story, "Driving in Moonshine."
It features Edward, Jasper and Emmett as Moonshine runners in the 1940s. They originally started out to make money for their family and found themselves in a huge heap of trouble with the law, and with a rival gang of moonshiners. Edward tries to balance working with his family and obtaining a new love in his life.

I hope to have the completed chapter posted very soon.

Thanks so much for everyone's support.