Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Bad Ass Beta CereuleanBlue


I wanted to come up with something special from all of us and the only thing I could come up with was good old fashioned p0rn for ya.

<----- By the way...Don't all our bewbs look so great together?

The Star of Eclipse

Me, CereuleanBlue and Poochi_mama (JenniP)  made the pilgrimage to the theaters at midnight last night to watch Eclipse.

I held a party in which a good group of friends showed up. We drank beer, watched Rifftrax versions of Twilight and New Moon and came up with some excellent ideas for some crackfics involving Bella virginity and her innerfilter.

We waited in anticipation, hoping that all our Eclipse filled dreams would come true. We were nervous, anxious and excited and sure as hell were not let down. (The kiss... oh dear lord that kiss.) Yes, of course it strayed from some of the story line but if you go into the movie not expecting anything, it leaves you with a sense of acceptance.

There were some awesome parts, those I wish to not divulge until at least the rest of my team members watch the movie but we have to do a salute to one character.

The moustache.

Every time the moustache appeared, I went total schoolgirl giddy. I would totally go team Charlie after each scene that left me laughing, nearly crying or just down right amazed at what the moustache could do.

I think the moustache could have single handedly fought the Seattle vamps and then taken on the Volturi just by existing. It was even able to tame the wildest werewolf and most annoyed vampire.

Charlie is the glue that holds this story together. His quirky behavior, his ability to steal the scene and the fatherly attraction has made him my new favorite character.

So, here's to the star of Eclipse, the moustache.

Oh yeah and, the truck.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My thoughts on Eclipse Premier Night

It's nearing the twelve-hour mark as I write this until the Eclipse premier.

I feel like a little kid on Christmas eve just waiting for Santa Claus to make his appearance with gifts under the tree. Except David Slade is Santa and our gifts are seven sparkly undead vampires, a wolfpack and an evil vampire in a pear tree ... I mean pine tree.

We've been waiting for this for months, hell even years. We all knew when Twilight came out as a film that they were nuts to NOT continue the saga all the way through. Catherine Hardwick... meh. Chris Weitz... MUCH better. So Mr. Slade has a job ahead of him. All the reviews I've seen from fellow TwiHards all say the same... that it's great.

I beg to question, though. As TwiHards, would it really matter if it sucked? Would it really matter if Jasper did look like an evil version of Harpo? Would it really matter that Bella wears nothing but plaid?

No. I really don't think it would matter.

You know why?

Because, as of tonight, I will be spending time with some of the greatest people on earth, my best friends. We'll all be there decked out in our best Twilight garb, squeeing like we did when we first saw the New Kids on the Block Backstreet Boys and know that deep down in hearts, our Edward and/or Jacob will one day whisk us off our feet. We'll hold each other's hands through the tough parts and sigh at the leg hitch scene. We do it because we are in love with fictional characters that by God could be real, right?

I want to walk out of the theater tonight with a sense of fulfillment and a feeling that the book was done justice, since it is my favorite book of the four. I want to look forward to seeing Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2. 

I think if my calculations are correct though, we'll be walking out with something more than that though. I have a feeling we'll be walking out with a sense of accomplishment, for being diehard fans who loved a great series and got to see it play out before our eyes.

That's all we ever wanted.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Hard Arse Is A Go!

So I posted my new story. It's a Jake and Bella story. My one shot Rude Boy is just a small piece of this fuckery I call my writing skills.

It's basically about a girl named Bella who goes to work for Mr. Black at Alpha PR, a public relations company in Seattle, Washington. She likes to stare at her boss a lot, although she would rather throw herself at him and have her way. Only problem is, Mr. Black doesn't mix work with play. (BOO to that idea Mr. Black) This fact though is always subject to change. So yeah, if you want to see where this is going, just read Rude Boy also. Hope you enjoy. As always, leave me some love and let me know what you think .

I'll give you a snippet of the chapter I posted.


When Jacob came to Phoenix, he informed me that my skill in account management was 'highly coveted' in his line of work. He said that having to deal with high profile people called for someone who was ahead of the game in keeping tabs on everything. He asked me to
come work for him, to which I agreed, but only after he told me my yearly

My eyes almost popped out of my head, not only at the amount of money I'd be making, but also at the fucking hot boss I would get to work closely with every day.

I swear Renee jizzed herself when she opened the door. He looked me over for a minute before he introduced himself. I noticed his eyes stayed on my very full C-cups for quite some time. I didn't mind, seeing as I was staring at his arms and his chest just as much.

Renee was literally drooling all over him while he sat in our living room. I suppose
the saying 'like mother, like daughter' runs bone-deep in this case. He didn't
seem to mind until Renee's hand swept over his junk. I think that sometimes
people underestimate the horniness of my mom


The story is posted on FF as well as JBNP. Here's the link for FF.

The Hard Arse

P.S. #TeamTentScene PPL!!!! :) Have a good day!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fic Rec Friday, well Saturday

Ok, ok.  I know it's Saturday, and I know I missed posting on Friday.  But I had a very good reason.   Apparently setting up the Twitterfeed for the Fandom Gives Back Auctions took a LOT longer than I'd thought, but it was fun and for a good cause.  I digress.

Today's rec is actually a one-shot, actually only about 1,500 words.   Yeah, yeah, I know, all of you read these EPIC multi-chapter fics that seem to go on FOREVER, just like Edward/Jasper/Carlisle/Alice (or whoever you're shipping these days).  But I must say that I really like one-shots, especially if they're short, sweet, and to the point.  Many of them are hilarious, and well written.  And today's rec is both of those things.

I bet a lot of you know StotheP from Twitter.  I know that I had no idea that she was a writer until poochi_mama tweeted me the link to one of her stories the other day.  The one-shot is titled Unchanged.  In it, StotheP takes a look at what life would be like from Edward's point of view if Bella was never changed to a vampire. 

The sheer fact that the summary begs you to pretend she didn't write this and that  it begins with an apology from the author made me want to read it that much more.  A perpetually seventeen year old Edward, tends to all of his elderly wife's needs and wants.  There's even a lemon involved!

Sometimes I think that people just throw away one-shots, not bothering to edit or have them beta'd.  As a result,  I often get distracted by poor use of grammar and bad dialogue, but this has none of those problems that keep you from enjoying the story.  It's a short, easy, funny read and definitely worth the five minutes of your time that it would take to read through it. 

And while you're at it check some of StotheP's other work, including her plea to spade and nuter your pets, Incision.  Besides, anyone who argues with themself in their profile must either be crazy or a genius.  Maybe a little of both. 

Link to author's profile:


Pas de Deux Chapter 21 - JennyP

Chapter 21 of JennyP's (Poochi_mama) story, Pas de Deux is up on Twilighted!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It, and Now I'm Hooked

And by the Devil I mean JP and E.  These two hoors created me a list of must read fics, which I started on this morning, and now I can't stop reading.  You girls be warned that I may never be able to. 

I used to read fic all the time.  In fact, I started out as a reader solely, then transformed into the bad-ass beta that you now know, followed quickly by the awesome writer (*SARCASM*) that you all love. I used to keep up with dozens of fics and the detritus of their update alerts littered my inbox, but now they blow about like tumbleweeds on the desert sands.

I want to apologize to all you awesome writers out there for not showing you the love that you so deserve.  Please chalk it up to my ignorance, oblivion, and obsession with writing, but now I am back and it's good to be here.  My husband may not think so, but who gives a shit what he thinks anway. 

FINE! I'll read it. (Hunger Games)

Wish Me Luck!

Ladies Who Lunch

<- This is NOT us. We're much older.

Yesterday was an epic day in the life of Team Fire and Ice. For the first time ever, ThatPanicGirlE, CereuleanBlue, and JenniP sat down together and watched each other masticate while talking about everything that is the Twilight fandom. We rec'd fics to CB, we giggled about what Edward would have been like at WoodStock (because you know Alice made them all go), and we discussed our plans for the Eclipse premier (5 DAYS, PEOPLE!!). It was awesome.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a little emo...
Yesterday also reminded me just how awesome this fandom is. We three gals have much in common when it comes to Twilight and all its fun, but if you look at our RL's, we're worlds apart. CB is a teacher who moonlights as a biker/cowgirl. E is a graphic artist who worships the group WSP walks on and will follow them to the moon at the drop of a hat. JP is a Nursing student who lives a trillion light years away from her hometown. But there we sat, all our differences aside, and enjoyed the company as if we'd pulled each others pigtails in pre-K.
What am I getting at?
Well, I suppose I'm just grateful for this crazy world that SM created that brought so many of us together in a way that nothing else could have. I'm happy that I've made new friends AND found something new to share with my old friends. I'm happy that there are people out there who appreciate the importance of good writing, being polite, helping others, and bewb gropes.
When the conversation turned to The Fandom Gives Back, it was exciting to think that maybe this very blog could be a catalyst to raise money for children who are involved in a fight much more difficult than anything Edward and Bella found in those snowy woods. I'm honored to be a part of a fandom that finds a way to give back to the community in a powerful way.
So, no matter what you're looking for, go check out The Fandom Gives Back and bid on something - anything! If you're an author and you'd like to be featured here on Team Fire and Ice's Blog, bid on our feature. We'd love to have a chance to promote good writing while helping a greater cause.
OK, I'm done being all misty-eyed and philosophical. One day, I hope all the ladies will be able to get together and hug and grope and nom on burritos all at the same time. 'Til then...!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Delusions - Chapter 5 Posted

Chapter 5 - Edward After

For some of us, the earliest memories of our childhood stay with us till the day we die. For others, it's hard to even remember anything before high school.

My earliest memory was of my mother. Her dark hair flowed in curls down her back as she picked me up off the floor. I had gotten into the pots and pans under the counter top again, and though she usually didn't mind it, this time something was different. She looked sad and distraught over something.

It was easy for me to remember my mother. Alice looked so much like her that it pained me to look at her sometimes. Her smile, her dark hair and her eyes were a reflection of our mother's. I had our father's looks. I've been told that by distant relatives. The mystery of why they never came forward to claim me and Alice has always plagued me. We were lucky enough to have Carlisle though.

I looked over at Alice as she sat sleeping next to me. The plane ride from Chicago to Seattle seemed to take longer than I remembered. I think I was in some sort of hurry to meet my demise. To my left sat Carlisle. He looked defeated, tired, and I wanted to reach out to him and apologize like I had so many times before. Alice held my hand, refusing to let go. Earlier I tried to pry my hand from her grasp, and she woke, almost in a sweat. I think she thought I was leaving her for good. She had good reason to fear that.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Team Leg Hitch Vs. Team Tent Scene - Which are you?

JennyP: OK, so, where were we? Oh yes, we were going to discuss why MY #leghitch is going to be way more epic than YOUR #tentscene

E: Doubt it. Okay, yes, the whole panting and tongue fucking that will take place between the two of them will be hot.. HOWEVER, the tent scene will just rock the socks off it... Edward going all Emo with "Keep your thoughts to yourself, dog" while Jacob feels up Bella...

JennyP: Um, no. I have been in a tent with a man and a dog, and I have to say, the dog had to go. He smelled up the tent

E: Would you REALLY throw out a space heater? I mean my God you live in a cold climate?

JennyP: The only reason Edward kept him around is the ONLY reason ANY man keeps a dog around. Too blame his farts on the dog.

E: There wasn't any farting going on. I think Bella was editing her thoughts for Ms.Meyer... she thought it was hot too. She was wanting him to plow her fields, if you catch my drift.

JennyP: *not that Edward farts. He is perfect. He probably composes music with his sphincter
Bella has no field to plow. Bella's field has a force field around it.

OK, let's start over.

First off, think about when YOU where in HS (last year). Remember when making out on your boyfriend's bed was THE hottest thing on the planet? Remember the feeling you got in down in your stomach when he'd run his hand ANYWHERE on your body?

E: Yeah... but my boyfriend wasn't A.) Dead and B.) Cold.

JennyP: STOP! I'm not done!

E: (pouts lip out) Fine... continue...

JennyP: Remember how you'd go home and fantasize about it, recalling every single solitary moment in perfect detail, just so you could feel that tingle in your belly (and pants) again?

Well, imagine THAT time a gajillion, because not only is this your ONE TRUE LOVE, but your one true love happens to be a male-model who writes you lullabies, never pressures you to do it, and can offer you eternal life.

It's like making out with the love child of Jesus and Beckham.

E: Okay I get you on that, however, I have to say there is something extremely hot about two guys fighting over you...

JennyP: <-- Wouldn't know.

E: I would, and trust me... it's the bees knees. In all honesty though, the thought of Jacobs hot body rubbing against mine makes me all kinds of happy in my lady bits.

JennyP: Yesm, but this isn't about your lady bits, its about Bella's (nonexistent) lady bits She obvs gets tingly in the the bits a la' leghitch She gets sleepy and annoyed during the tentscene

E: Bella's (nonexistent) lady bits aside, you must admit, when you read the third book of (the Bible) saga, you thought that it was awesome that the two of them went ape shit over Bella?

JennyP: Honestly? I went ape shit over the guilt kiss. I actually didn't talk to Bella for like, a whole hour after that. I thought the tent scene was sweet...the two of them agreeing that they both love her so much they'd kill each other for her, but they decide not to bc they know that would hurt her even more

E: Oh drooltastic on the guilt kiss. Have you seen the picture from the stills? I get all happy and stuff just looking at it... She loves Jacob, you know she does...right?

JennyP: But it wasn't HOT like the leghitch. And I am a h00r, who only likes things that make my ladybean quiver She loves him like a brother. She says so herself. And no, I haven't seen the stills. You know I am preserving my cherry for our date on the 29th.

E: I'm a sucker for two men fighting over me. So that makes my lady bits happy. Something barbaric about it... testosterone flowing all around me... excuse me I may need to leave for a sec... Nope false alarm.

JennyP: True, but I'd take romance and groping over macho and punching any day.

E: I guess that's why you are #TeamSparklePeen and I'm #TeamHotPants

JennyP: That and my obsession for things that sparkle. But we're not talking about my rhinestone cell phone

E: I like my guys hot, muscular (without weird nips) and can benchpress me and my motorcycle.

JennyP: I suppose I relate to #leghitch much more than #tentscene

E: And I can relate to #tentscene better than #leghitch.

JennyP: I like my guys skinny with good hair, intelligence, some sort of talent (other than cunniligus, that's a given). Which is hilar, bc that is the opposite of what I married

E: I like mine tall, muscular and good with their hands (other than the obvious reasons).

JennyP: OK, let's make a bet

E: Okay...

JennyP: I bet that #leghitch gets WAY more swoons than #tentscene when we see it next week No, even better. I bet leghitch wins the online vote

E: I'll take that one!

JennyP: and if I lose, I'll wear pigtails to the theater

E: and if I lose, I'll wear a Team Edward shirt to the theater.

JennyP: Deal. Tentscene loses and I'll dress up like Bella (I'll have to go buy a khaki skirt)

E: Eeek!

JennyP: (and a bad wig)

E: We'll let our readers determine that one. All I have to say is let the best werewolf win.

JennyP: Whatever, pup.



Will JennyP have to dress like a bad Bella or will E have to declare her cold-hearted love for Edward?

You decide!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy Teaser

In honor of Teaser Tuesday, here's a little snippet from Once Bitten, Twice Shy.  Enjoy.

“Look at me, Bella. You need to stay away from the Cullens. They’re dangerous.” His eyes were wide. Jacob was skirting the edge of something he couldn’t just come out and say. He was trying as hard as he could to keep her from them without coming out and telling whatever it was that he knew.

“Wow, I had no idea I had two fathers. You’re kind of young to have a kid in high school aren’t you? Where do you get off telling me who I can’t hang out with?” Bella thought that perhaps sarcasm would get him off the topic, but there seemed to be little that could deter him from the path he had chosen to take.

“Jeez, would you just listen to me instead of being stubborn. They’re not safe…”

Bella thought for a moment, struggling on how to end the conversation without exposing herself to Jacob, but was unable to come up with anything that would steer him off his current path. She could sense Edward’s agitation with the situation but signaled for him to stay where he was. The sudden appearance of a vampire would do little to dissuade Jacob from his current course.

“Jacob, it’s okay. I know…”

Tuesday Teasers & Pic Prompts

Morning everyone!

Today is Tuesday Teasers and Pic Prompts.

Above is your picture for the week!

Good luck and I can't wait to see the entries!

Post your completed 250-500 word entries in the comments section. Friday we will announce our winner!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Indention of the Heart - Chapter 15 Teaser


I drove like a bat out of hell from Edward's place to the hospital. The entire trip, I fought back tears and tried to only think about Rosalie needing me. I wanted to just crawl up into a ball and fade away but I knew that she was counting on me and I wouldn't let her down.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and jumped out the car. I found Rosalie's room and she was fast asleep. Emmett sat next to her, holding her hand with tears in his eyes.

"Oh God, Emmett. Is everything okay?" I asked him, squatting next to him.

"She's fine and the baby's fine," he said wiping a tear away.

"Thank God for that. Why are you crying then?" I asked him.

"I was just so worried. I just knew we were losing the baby and I couldn't even imagine how much it would have killed her for that to happen."

I loved how much Emmett cared, not just about his wife, but about everyone in general.

"I'm glad everything's okay," I said standing.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I walked over to grab another chair. I sat it down next to him and fell into it.

"I, I don't know what I am right now. Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked.

Winners Posted for the Silent Tear Awards

Silent tear winners have been posted here.  Once Bitten, Twice Shy didn't win, but I wanted to thank everyone for their votes.  I enjoy even being nominated for an award because it means that someone is actually reading what I write.  The very fact that I was going against a story with over 4,000 reviews says something.  Thanks a lot, and congratulations to all the winners :)

Best Angst: Cascade and Cyanide

Best Romance: Falling for You

Best Surviving Romance: My Yes, My No

Best Forbidden Love:  The Fallen Swan

Best Tragedy:  The Masque of the Red Death

Best Author: americnxidiot 

Best Supernatural: A Litany At Dusk

Best Edward and Bella:  Withering the Ferns

Best Humor:  Edward the Beta

Best Imprint:  Early Imprint: Quil's Story

Best One-Shot: That Damn, Sexy Crooked Smile

Best Collaboration: A Little Crazy

Best Jacob and Bella: Landslide

Ending Worth Waiting For:  Eternally Damned

Best  Trust in Advertising

Once more congratulations to all the winners. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sample and Rules for the Tuesday Teasers and Pic Prompt Contest

Every single Tuesday will be Teaser Tuesdays and Pic Prompt days.

All of our readers are allowed to enter.

Rules for Pic Prompts:

Each Tuesday by 10 a.m. EST, TPGE will post a picture for you to write a small drabble (250-500 words).

All entries can be uploaded to the comments section with a link to your site.

We will pick one drabble to feature each Friday.

Deadline is Midnight, EST each Tuesday.

Rules for Tuesday Teasers:

You can send an email with a teaser to your story at

We'll pick one each week to be featured the next Tuesday.

It can be a teaser to a story already written, a chapter you are working on or a story idea you are working on.

Deadline is Tuesday, Midnight EST.

Below is a sample of a drabble written by TPGE:

Thanks to alisXvolatX21 for doing the prompt!

I stood on the ledge overlooking the deep drop into the Pacific Ocean. My heart started to thud in my chest and I felt like I couldn't do this. I was thinking the impossible.

Jacob said that it was supposed to be a thrill. I could see why. If you hit the cold water the wrong way, your bones could be broken. It couldn't hurt as much as my heart had though. My heart was pieced back together by his love so why couldn't my bones do the same?

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jacob asked as he came up beside me.

"More now than ever," I said. I knew I was doing this as my goodbye to the love of my life. I was hoping that the Pacific waters would wash the rest of the pain away. I wanted to let him go. I was okay with doing that now.

"When you jump, try to bounce back up as soon as possible or else you'll be dragged straight into the rocks. Then swim underwater for about five foot and to the left as soon as you get your bearings. I don't want you to hit your head."

I shook my head in agreement as my body shuttered. I realized quickly that it wasn't the wind that made me do that. It was Jacob grabbing my hand.

"Are you ready?" he whispered.

"Yes," I said.

"Okay jump in three, two..."

I felt my body falling fast to the ground, but it was the most liberating feeling in the world. I hit the cold water with a thud and allowed myself to float up as quickly as possible. I did exactly what Jacob said and swam five feet and then to the left. As soon as my head popped up out of the water I looked up to the ledge to see him.

He wasn't there.

Panic set in. He hadn't surfaced yet and I started to go into freak-out mode. I dove under the water to see if I could see him in the murky water and I could barely see two feet in front of me.

I popped my head back up again and still no Jacob. I started yelling his name and then a sudden tug pulled me under water.

I opened my eyes and saw Jacob at my face. I wanted to pop back up and swim away but I couldn't do it. His eyes looked so golden brown under that murky water and I felt something I'd never felt before.

I wanted him to kiss me.

As if he knew what I wanted, Jacob grabbed my face into his hands and pulled me close to him. We floated into this dark abyss, lips locked in place and it was the most amazing feeling in the world. His lips were blazing hot compared to the temperature of the water. I could have stayed there forever, but I couldn't breathe.

We both floated to the surface, lips still locked in place and as soon as my head popped out of the water, my legs wrapped around him as he kept us afloat. I couldn't let him go.

Everything was just too perfect.

Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards, Chapter 2

Readers and Bulletin Boards - Chapter 2
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Just in case you missed it, I posted an update to BR&BB last night :). This chapter is completely new material that wasn't included in the original contest entry. Hope you enjoy :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards Rewrite

Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Well, I've finished the rewrite of Chapter 1 and posted it on FFn. I will be extending this fic and filling in some missing details, starting with Chapter 2. Stay tuned!

All Hallows Eve - A Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards Outtake

Morning peeps! Just wanted to let you know I've finally gotten around to expanding my AwkWard contest entry beginning with an outtake from Bella's point of view called All Hallows Eve. The story tells what happened during and after the Halloween party when Bella had to drive Edward home because he had one too many cups of punch. If you want to see E singing disco karaoke, then click the link and give it a read.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fic Rec Friday with CereuleanBlue

Well kiddies, it's time for our first Fic Rec Friday from your old friend CereuleanBlue. Thanks for joining me for my first ever fic review. For this lovely summer Friday, I decided to go with a little ice to cool things down.

Now I'm sure some of you remember the Geekward Shuffle Challenge from a few months ago, and if you read the entries you were sure to have spotted Bad Girlfriend by nowforruin one of the mods and betas over at Project Team Beta. While it didn't win, it held some real potential for NYU dropout cum bartender Edward, and the author's note that she posted back in April to let us all know she planned to expand it into a multi-chapter fic called Roman Candle.

I found Roman Candle on after a twitter suggestion that I should do a review on it, and I immediately fell in love with nowforruin's Edward, even if he did have Jessica for a girlfriend. If you haven't read Bad Girlfriend, just understand that Jessica fit's that description to a T, and et's just say I was more than a little relieved when Jessica decided to pack her things and go back home to Forks. Jessica's departure leave Edward reeling from the change, and in a drunken moment he decides to call on the only person he feels like he can count on in New York City, his co-worker Bella. The two of them spend an evening downing all of the liquor that Edward can manage to find in his apartment, killing rogue coffee tables, and finally falling asleep together in Edward's bed. Upon waking up in the morning, they find themselves snowed in together for another day, and the UST runs rampant.

While the beginning of the story was cute and could have been a one-shot all on it's own, I stayed around for the much more intriguing and complex relationship between Bartender Edward and Barowner Bella. Something about the way, they danced around each other constantly held my attention, like watching some sort of complex mating ritual on Animal Planet. They keep coming close to the truth, close to an admission of how they really feel about each other without ever quite reaching it, even with a good shove from Rose, Bella's best friend.

Nowforruin is eleven chapters in without a true lemon between Bella and Edward. Even though they have come close, things haven't quite reached that point yet. More than the UST that runs rampant in this story, the thing that hold the most suspense for me is figuring out why Bella keeps holding Edward at arm's length, never allowing him to get close to her or letting herself get close to him. She keeps revealing tantalizing little bits about her past as the story continues, but just enough to keep you salivating for more.

As some of you know, I like a slow burn, and this story is definitely one of those. It gives you just enough fire to keep you hooked right before pulling the rug out from underneath your expectations. I'm really enjoying watching the back and forth between the two of them, and to be honest, the anticipation of the moment when the two of them just can't hold themselves back any more is fabulous.

Chapter 12 is due to post tomorrow (June 19) and I really can't wait. You should go and have a look for yourself before I spoil the whole story.

Follow the Author on Twitter: @nowforruin

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two-Fer Post- Indention of the Heart Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Indention of the Heart

Yeah. It was awesome to WC with Ms AydenM tonight. Thanks lady!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy up for the Silent Tear Awards

GO VOTE NAO!! So proud of my beta!!!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy by CerueleanBlue

Indention of the Heart Update

Indention of the Heart shameless plug time.

Chapter 13 - Indention of the Heart

I just died... and I'm in Taylor Heaven

I never wanted to be a water bottle so bad in my life.

Teaser Tuesdays & Pic Prompts Coming Soon!

Check our blog each Tuesday for a Pic Prompt. We're accepting weekly entries and one will be featured on our blog by that Friday. 

All entires must be beta'd and max 500 words per entry. These can be short drabbles or O/S.

Also, this will be the time for you to submit your teasers for your upcoming chapters.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Want a cool little badge? Rec a Fic!

We're taking recommendations for your fics!

Bring on the suggestions.

Once Bitten, Twice Shy Update

Chapter 20 is now posted and live on

Go read it you know you want to....

Oh, and I've submitted Chapter 20 to Twilighted.

Yes I'm using the blog to pimp out my fic okay. I'm a shameless hoor!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Story Time with JennyP

Hello there, lovahs! Told you I'd be back! While E and CB are busy in the world where people work, as they call it; I have been sitting around like the kept woman I am, reading fic. (By "sitting around," I mean standing in the kitchen - and by "kept woman" I mean useless whore.)
All that aside, I have decided to prance onto the interwebs today to share with all of you one of my favorite little lemony-filled goodies that I found while trolling Twilighted for new fics to read. Ready? Here we go...

Forbidden Desire

Rated NC-17
Canon pairings
Summary: (taken from, abridged)

In an alternate all human universe...sexual pleasure is paramount. The Cullens are a breed apart: sexual vegetarians, if you will. Bella is an "Innocent" and so off limits for deeper sexual gratification, a role she gladly embraces, taking pleasure only in giving to those around her. That is until she meets Edward. Suddenly her Father's insistence on her remaining an Innocent and Aro's desires to keep her for himself have become an unwelcome burden to her life. How will Bella and Edward survive their desire to be together when it is forbidden?

Like all good stories, this one starts with a lemon. In the second paragraph. Oh, and it's slash.
Gasping for air, I felt my own pleasure tightly coiled between my legs, moisture trickling down my thighs, unfulfilled longing my all too familiar companion.
Isabella is an innocent, which means that she must abstain from receiving sexual pleasure, but is required to give it to others. This corresponds well with canon Bella - from the beginning of the series she does everything she can to please those around her, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. Her character is sublimely happy in her martyrdom, never questioning that her father, Charlie, the head guard, has chosen the correct path for her future.
Aro is once again painted as a seedy villain who pretends to care for those he loathes. His characterization here is not unlike that of Eclipse/BD, in that he extends an invitation to the Cullen family most likely not out of fondness for their company, but more so that he can observe them like animals.
The idea of "sexual vegetarians" is intriguing. The Cullen clan have chosen to be monogamous in a society that prides itself on promiscuity. They are aroused by the cerebral rather the carnal; their orgies consisting of debates rather than debauchery. This lifestyle of restriction plays well with the Cullen clan that we have all grown to know and love. Rather than let themselves go wild like their peers, they rise above basic desires; tying themselves together in a way that is rare for the society they live in.
So, back to Bella...
Gah, this girl is hot AND bothered! Hot because she knows what she likes, and likes what she does. Bothered because now that she's seen Edward, he's all she can think about, thus leading to one of the hottest girlwank/sex dreams in history:
I found my lips pulling back as I panted open mouthed, long chains of sound emanating unchecked from my throat. As my climax hit I latched my open mouth onto his shoulder, just barely managing not to drive my teeth deep into his flesh.

My eyes flew open with a gasp.

...Blinking furiously I struggled to get my bearings. The sudden absence of his delicious weight on top of me and my empty bed told me what I needed to know.

It hadn't been real. It was only a dream.

What's that? You want more? Yeah, I did too.

Edward's character is also very canon, given the AU setting. Once again we find him wanting the one thing that he cannot have - Bella. But this time, his fear of hurting her aren't the only things standing in his way. For one, there's her father, Charlie, who is set on keeping her an "innocent" as long as possible. Secondly, there's Aro, who would love nothing more than to see one of the Cullen's sully the family's reputation by partaking in the most forbidden of acts - defiling someone in Bella's position. And last, but not least, there's a little complication named Jake, who is Bella's friend but he wants her all to himself.

Edward is caught between his desire to please his family, and the growing lust he feels for Bella. It's entertaining to watch him go from a snotty boy who finds himself so much better than the members of Aro's court to a shrub-hiding wanker underneath Bella's window.

I began pumping in time with the sounds floating out from the room behind me. Tingling from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, it took all my control to keep my breathing quiet, and to continuously bite back my own sounds of arousal which were attempting to leap from my throat.

The breathing and moans began to take on a plaintive note, straining to climb higher. I longed to stand, sweep back the hanging beads screening the doorway, and use my hands and body to conduct the symphony of sounds to a mutually satisfying climax.

Down boy! Edward is still wordy as hell, and he does get a touch emo at times, but that's why we love him, right? Personally, I can't wait to see what happens with these kids. How will they get past Aro's strict rules? How will Edward see that falling in love with Bella is not against the Cullen way of life? How far is Jake willing to go to fight for Bella? Will Bella ever be cleared of her "innocent" status by Charlie, or will she have to rebel? So many questions - but I'm sure they'll be answered in due time.

In all, this is definitely a fic that's worth the time to read. If you start it for the lemons, you'll stick around for the story *coughlikeIdidcough* because it is THAT GOOD. And let's just be honest - in a fic world full of millionaire CEO's, tortured artists, and drunks - this story is a breath of fresh air.

Happy Fuck Off Monday Everyone!

It's a Monday. Today is the busiest day of the week for me. Sucks too. I come from a really nice weekend and BAM it's like someone lets a fucking Tazmanian Devil lose in my office.

Wish me luck that I don't kill anyone today.

Pic Teaser for Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards

As some of you know, I'm updating Beta Readers and Bulletin Boards with a one shot for TwilightJemS and venti_turtl. I just thought I'd share a little pic tease of the one shot to get your mouths watering.

Lol, ok maybe not mouthwatering, but you get the point I think. Interested yet?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Delusions Chapter 5 Teaser

Just a tease. I promise.

Chapter 5 - Edward After

For some of us, the earliest memories of our childhood stay with us till the day we die. For others, it’s hard to even remember anything past high school.

My earliest memory was of my mother. Her dark hair flowed in curls down her back as she picked me up off the floor. I had gotten into the pots and pans under the counter top again and though she never minded it, this time was different. She looked sad and distraught over something.

It was easy for me to remember my mother. Alice looked so much like her that it pained me to look at her sometimes. Her smile, her dark hair and her eyes were so much a reflection of my mother. I had my father’s looks. I’ve been told that by distant relatives. Why they never came forward to claim me and Alice has always plagued me in mystery. We were lucky enough to have Carlisle though.

I looked over at Alice as she sat sleeping next to me. The plane ride from Chicago to Seattle seemed to take longer than I remembered. I think I was in some sort of hurry to meet my demise. To my left sat Carlisle. He looked defeated, tired and I wanted to reach out to him and apologize like I had so many nights before. Alice held my hand, refusing to let go. Earlier I tried and she woke, almost in a sweat. I think she thought I was leaving her for good. She had good reason to fear that.

Then it started. The pain in my chest. The tightness that surrounded the tight space I was forced to sit in. How on earth could I get Alice to let my hand go? I also had to get past Carlisle who watched over me like a fucking hawk. I needed to excuse myself to the restroom. I looked to the left, then the right.

Fuck. Bathroom, now.

"Alice," I whispered, "I've got to go to the restroom. I'll be right back, promise."

She nodded and let go of my hand. Carlisle looked at me suspiciously but I couldn't help it. I was too far gone at that moment.

I slipped past him and headed down the aisle. The plane seemed to be spinning. The people were fucking staring at me. FUCKING STARING AT ME? What the hell for? What had I done to them? I couldn't stop. Could I? How the hell was I going to do this in rehab?

In Honor of Season 3 - True Blood

I'm sure Mrs. CereuleanBlue would agree with me, tonight is the night. Despite the fact that I do not have cable, I'm okay with this. I can always find a way to watch the first episode, but this is to the OTHER vampires that have captured my attention. Of course, here's to Snookie and Eric HOPEFULLY getting it on this season. I'm sure they will.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ode to BDSM

I have a secret love. It's more like a secret desire/passion of mine. Kinky, why yes I am.

It all started a couple of years ago. I walked into a little known place at the Beach and found something that changed my life forever.

Wrist cuffs.

It started so innocently. Then I added this to my collection:
So from that point on I was hooked. There is something completely awesome about giving up complete control to the one you love.

So here's to BDSM and all the fun perks that go along with it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Have a Fun Weekend!

Just thought I'd stop in and share some kinky stuff with you in hopes that you have your fair share of kinkiness this weekend.

Not what you were thinking, huh? It's cool, cause it wasn't what I was either. I was thinking more along the lines of, say, this?

or this?

So whatever way you like it, just have a kink filled weekend from Team Fire & Ice. I know I will! ;) -km3-

Happy Early Halloween

Dear TF&I readers/fans:

I had a dream. This dream consisted of Edward as the Hamburgler. Then Ms. Fangbanger06 mentioned Bella as Grimace and well it went from there. I'm dying to write a O/S Crackfic about Edward and Bella taking Nessie trick-or-treating. Of course they would force Jacob to go along because well, that whole imprinting thing.

So, here's to dreaming. Maybe soon it'll happen. When it does, I promise you'll be the first to know!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Thanks for the welcome! I feel all loved. And stuff.

I'm fangbanger06/antisocialangel/fangy/that snooty bitch girl. ;)

I'm so excited because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. These lovely, darling ladies asked me to be part of this little team thing. YAYYAYAY! <---- That was my reaction.

So... about me. Sometimes, I act like I'm twelve. I say YAY! A lot. Sometimes, I act like I'm ninety-five.

I HATE loud music. I adore Russell Brand, Robert Pattinson, Alex Meraz, and Jensen Ackles. I have a beautiful, perfect little girl. I'm a senior in college. I've had the same boyfriend since I was sixteen and kind of refuse to get married. I have three kitties. I've got an epic bitchface that usually gets me whatever I want. I hate saying "I" over and over but here I am, doing just that. ;)

Now, fanfiction. The first one I read was Wide Awake. I sat in my chair, wearing a cookie, and eating a hoodie and inhaled it like it was crack. Or was I eating the cookie? No matter. It was my first and I loved it. I prefer Edwardo/Beller fics but I'm open to anything. Unless it says THE C WORD. I hate that word. Ewwwww.

I write stupid idiot things at 1 am. I don't take myself seriously unless I'm wearing tweed. I've never worn tweed.

ENOUGH about me. I can't wait to do whatever it is that I'm supposed to do!

Again, THANKS to Team Fire and Ice for welcoming me!

Just a laugh from CBlue

Well I made a blinkie for myself. And if you need to know anything about me just refer to the banner, lol.

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Welcome to our newest member

The ladies here at Team Fire and Ice would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest member antisocialangel AKA fangbanger06.
Now that name may look familiar to some of you Team Fire and Ice followers, and you'd be right. She's the author of the story that makes Kennedymommy3 proud to be from Texas as well as E's judge's choice award in our Southern Twi-Nights Contest, Leopard Print Bras and Pearl Snap Shirts. (And let me tell you this one is a real hoot.)
Now lets just say that in my humble opinion, Ms. Banger is a goddess of crackfick, especially if you're looking for something hilarious that was written at 1 in the morning.
Sweetie, I hope you accept a little of our Southern Hospitality (AKA Southern Comfort) and enjoy your new place with us on the team.
So, if you're looking for a good laugh check out her fanfiction profile at :

Hi Guys..It's me, km3...

So....some or more like most of yall don't know me, but the name is Kennedymommy3, or as everyone else calls me, km3 or just km. I'm also under the radar, which I don't mind either for reasons already stated by the other h00rs that make up this whole Fire and Ice thing.

I guess I can tell you some about myself, what do you care to know? I'm a mother of three beautifully obnoxious brattlings. They drive me crazy everyday, as well as their lovable padre, MK. He <3s me soo, and I <3 him as well. For the most part I stay at home with my kids, unless I'm trying to lose them in the grocery store or Wal-Mart, which I have been unsuccessful at so far. I'm getting married soon to the padre of these brattlings and will be M.I.A. for about a week while I enjoy my I-realize-I've-been-with-you-for-over-nine-years-but-our-kids-are-gone-honeymoon bliss. Anywho...

I started reading fanfic after I joined CafeMom and found their Twilight group. I love the main saga, but it just wasn't enough to keep reading that over and over and over and over see where this is going? So Katmom had a post over there about a story called 'Sacrifices' by Enthralled, (which I wish would get the last chapter and epi out sometime this century) and that was that. My fanfic cherry was no more. I enjoyed reading Edward/Bella stories, but I was always wondering if anyone wrote Jacob/Bella and that is when I found ThatPanicGirleE. I must say, I love me some Jacob Black, if you didn't already know this. :) And yes, poochi_mama I SAID IT AGAIN!!

I had read so many great fics and some that had me going WTF?! but all in all, I loved the thought of being able to read more about these crazy peeps who can't decided what the hell they are going to do. I'm pretty willing to read anything, but not the biggest fan of slash. Sry guys, just not my cup of sex. I think that was supposed to be tea...but whatever.

So this whole Team Fire and Ice thing, yeah it's pretty cool. I feel kinda isolated, seeing as I'm pretty much the only Fire on this team. I loves me some JB. sorry. I had no clue who Blue was before E asked me if I wanted to join, and I totally love that woman and her motorboating.She has good stories too ;) E, like she said I read her fics, has some gawd awesome skills at her techy stuff and her writing. Plus she has a unicorn! A REAL LIFE UNICORN!! E would always rec some chick named JennyP's fic called Pass the Dough or something like that and I finally decided I wanted to see what kind of bread was being made over there, so I read it. And.......I LURVED it! It's actually Pas de Deux and has nothing to do with baking! And I bug the hell out of her to give me more. So yeah, that's how I met these three wonderful ladies and now I hear we have a new addition to the crazy and I welcome her with open hugs and lots of motorboating. I guess I should read her stories too. ;)

I dabble in the art of lemonade with J/B in The Rude Boy and The Hard Arse, as well as write some really flip floppy Bella stuff in Meant To Be. Oh! I'm also over on JacobBlack-n-Pack, so if you want to stop by and chit chat with me, feel free anytime. I'm always looking for a good fic, whether it be J/B E/B or whomever, so yeah, just let us know what you're reading. I think that's about all, and I will shut up now. KThxBai -km3- :)
How YOU doin'??
A greeting from Jenni P, or poochi_mama, or whatever else you want to call me...

Hi there, people of the world. I suppose it's my turn to greet you and tell you all about how I came into this world of imaginary characters based on imaginary characters.

Well, Welcome. If you're here, then chances are you've already read a few great stories, seen a few creepy manips, and witnessed an all-out bitchfest on Twitter. Isn't this life we've made for ourselves grand? I, like my friend Blue, don't mind flying under the radar because it means that I don't have to worry about all the drama (pron: Draa-mah) or my little story being plagiarized. Not that I would care. Honestly, if someone liked my story enough to steal it and post it as their own, I'd probably pimp that shit out and review every chapter.
Anyway, back to how I got here and what I hope to accomplish.
I started reading fanfic about a year ago. Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003 popped my fic cherry and from there on, I was a total ficslut. I read all the great ones: The Office, The List, A Life Extraordinary... need I go on? Somewhere along the way, I decided that I might have something to offer to the FF world -something different that would reflect my experiences in life and fulfill the writer in me that had hidden in the back corners of my mind since I entered the adult world. Hence, Pas de Deux was born.
So, what purpose do I want to serve here in this world of imagination?
I want to hone my skills as a writer; to learn and grow and get better with every chapter and every story. I want to acknowledge those writers who make me smile, cry, laugh, and get horny with their amazing skills. I want to help a greater cause, which is why I'm such a huge supporter of The Fandom Gives Back (and why I bug E on a daily basis about it). I want to make new friends, experience new things, and learn more about myself in the process. Oh, and buttsecks. Always buttsecks.
Do you write a fic that flies under the radar? Tweet me the link!
Until we meet again, lovers...

Howdy-Do from ThatPanicGirlE

Hellloooo... FANDOM! My name is ThatPanicGirlE. That came from my love for the band Widespread Panic. I've seen them exactly 100 times in concert. Going for #101 & #102 in July. Everyone calls me "E." It's stuck like that for almost 8 years now.

Now who do I blame for this silliness called Fan Fiction? Oh yeah, that's right. JennyP aka Poochi_Mama herself. She's to blame. 

I was minding my own business, writing my own fiction work about a girl who finds out she's a coyote and all he sudden, she emails me Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003. 

I was okay. I was fine. I was doing really well avoiding the temptation but one night, I couldn't sleep. What a perfect title for a perfect night. I started reading AND COULD NOT STOP!

So then it went from there. I was still reeling from Jacob Black not getting the girl. I'm a sucker for the underdog and there it was, my opportunity to write about him getting the girl of his dreams. Yes, it's fluff. Yes, it's short. I can't complain though. I checked my hits last night on it and I almost fainted. I've hit over 100,000 hits on Abandon and I'm in hog freaking heaven right now. 

Things change in life, some are avoidable and some aren't and I found myself back to square one in my life. Writing gave me a chance to filter those inner demons and move on from the unhappiness that was plaguing me for so long.

Now I have a group of girls who I can call not only co-writers but also friends. They support me, beta me, fuss at me when I'm not writing enough and it feels great to be a part of something like this.

I need to change the banner to reflect a new member, Ms. Fangbanger06. She's so funny that I don't eve know what to do with myself. 

My boyfriend, HanFauxLo (aka Mikey) wants to be a member so bad he can't stand himself, but when I found out he was writing FF without reading the books, I made him stop what he was doing and he's on restriction until he finishes the saga.

KennedyMommy3 and me met when she reviewed Abandon and has stuck it out with me for many months. I promise her every single day that I'll finish Broken Promises just for her. I pulled it about two weeks ago. I couldn't write it anymore.

So that's a little about me. I'm a mommy, a graphic artist, a writer and lover of all things Vampire. (Even my boyfriend is a little Vamp himself ;) )

So enjoy our rants, posts, blogs and reviews. We should be hosting another contest soon but until then, submit your stories for us to review!!!