It's nearing the twelve-hour mark as I write this until the Eclipse premier.
I feel like a little kid on Christmas eve just waiting for Santa Claus to make his appearance with gifts under the tree. Except David Slade is Santa and our gifts are seven sparkly undead vampires, a wolfpack and an evil vampire in a pear tree ... I mean pine tree.
We've been waiting for this for months, hell even years. We all knew when Twilight came out as a film that they were nuts to NOT continue the saga all the way through. Catherine Hardwick... meh. Chris Weitz... MUCH better. So Mr. Slade has a job ahead of him. All the reviews I've seen from fellow TwiHards all say the same... that it's great.
I beg to question, though. As TwiHards, would it really matter if it sucked? Would it really matter if Jasper did look like an evil version of Harpo? Would it really matter that Bella wears nothing but plaid?
No. I really don't think it would matter.
You know why?
Because, as of tonight, I will be spending time with some of the greatest people on earth, my best friends. We'll all be there decked out in our best Twilight garb, squeeing like we did when we first saw the New Kids on the Block Backstreet Boys and know that deep down in hearts, our Edward and/or Jacob will one day whisk us off our feet. We'll hold each other's hands through the tough parts and sigh at the leg hitch scene. We do it because we are in love with fictional characters that by God could be real, right?
I want to walk out of the theater tonight with a sense of fulfillment and a feeling that the book was done justice, since it is my favorite book of the four. I want to look forward to seeing Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2.
I think if my calculations are correct though, we'll be walking out with something more than that though. I have a feeling we'll be walking out with a sense of accomplishment, for being diehard fans who loved a great series and got to see it play out before our eyes.
That's all we ever wanted.
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