Sunday, June 13, 2010

Delusions Chapter 5 Teaser

Just a tease. I promise.

Chapter 5 - Edward After

For some of us, the earliest memories of our childhood stay with us till the day we die. For others, it’s hard to even remember anything past high school.

My earliest memory was of my mother. Her dark hair flowed in curls down her back as she picked me up off the floor. I had gotten into the pots and pans under the counter top again and though she never minded it, this time was different. She looked sad and distraught over something.

It was easy for me to remember my mother. Alice looked so much like her that it pained me to look at her sometimes. Her smile, her dark hair and her eyes were so much a reflection of my mother. I had my father’s looks. I’ve been told that by distant relatives. Why they never came forward to claim me and Alice has always plagued me in mystery. We were lucky enough to have Carlisle though.

I looked over at Alice as she sat sleeping next to me. The plane ride from Chicago to Seattle seemed to take longer than I remembered. I think I was in some sort of hurry to meet my demise. To my left sat Carlisle. He looked defeated, tired and I wanted to reach out to him and apologize like I had so many nights before. Alice held my hand, refusing to let go. Earlier I tried and she woke, almost in a sweat. I think she thought I was leaving her for good. She had good reason to fear that.

Then it started. The pain in my chest. The tightness that surrounded the tight space I was forced to sit in. How on earth could I get Alice to let my hand go? I also had to get past Carlisle who watched over me like a fucking hawk. I needed to excuse myself to the restroom. I looked to the left, then the right.

Fuck. Bathroom, now.

"Alice," I whispered, "I've got to go to the restroom. I'll be right back, promise."

She nodded and let go of my hand. Carlisle looked at me suspiciously but I couldn't help it. I was too far gone at that moment.

I slipped past him and headed down the aisle. The plane seemed to be spinning. The people were fucking staring at me. FUCKING STARING AT ME? What the hell for? What had I done to them? I couldn't stop. Could I? How the hell was I going to do this in rehab?

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