Well kiddies, it's time for our first Fic Rec Friday from your old friend CereuleanBlue. Thanks for joining me for my first ever fic review. For this lovely summer Friday, I decided to go with a little ice to cool things down.
Now I'm sure some of you remember the Geekward Shuffle Challenge from a few months ago, and if you read the entries you were sure to have spotted Bad Girlfriend by nowforruin one of the mods and betas over at Project Team Beta. While it didn't win, it held some real potential for NYU dropout cum bartender Edward, and the author's note that she posted back in April to let us all know she planned to expand it into a multi-chapter fic called Roman Candle.
I found Roman Candle on Fanfiction.net after a twitter suggestion that I should do a review on it, and I immediately fell in love with nowforruin's Edward, even if he did have Jessica for a girlfriend. If you haven't read Bad Girlfriend, just understand that Jessica fit's that description to a T, and et's just say I was more than a little relieved when Jessica decided to pack her things and go back home to Forks. Jessica's departure leave Edward reeling from the change, and in a drunken moment he decides to call on the only person he feels like he can count on in New York City, his co-worker Bella. The two of them spend an evening downing all of the liquor that Edward can manage to find in his apartment, killing rogue coffee tables, and finally falling asleep together in Edward's bed. Upon waking up in the morning, they find themselves snowed in together for another day, and the UST runs rampant.
While the beginning of the story was cute and could have been a one-shot all on it's own, I stayed around for the much more intriguing and complex relationship between Bartender Edward and Barowner Bella. Something about the way, they danced around each other constantly held my attention, like watching some sort of complex mating ritual on Animal Planet. They keep coming close to the truth, close to an admission of how they really feel about each other without ever quite reaching it, even with a good shove from Rose, Bella's best friend.
Nowforruin is eleven chapters in without a true lemon between Bella and Edward. Even though they have come close, things haven't quite reached that point yet. More than the UST that runs rampant in this story, the thing that hold the most suspense for me is figuring out why Bella keeps holding Edward at arm's length, never allowing him to get close to her or letting herself get close to him. She keeps revealing tantalizing little bits about her past as the story continues, but just enough to keep you salivating for more.
As some of you know, I like a slow burn, and this story is definitely one of those. It gives you just enough fire to keep you hooked right before pulling the rug out from underneath your expectations. I'm really enjoying watching the back and forth between the two of them, and to be honest, the anticipation of the moment when the two of them just can't hold themselves back any more is fabulous.
Chapter 12 is due to post tomorrow (June 19) and I really can't wait. You should go and have a look for yourself before I spoil the whole story.
Fanfiction.net link --> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5884459/1/Roman_Candle
Twilighted link --> http://www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=11597
My Vamp Fiction link --> http://myvampfiction.com/dungeon/viewstory.php?sid=444
Follow the Author on Twitter: @nowforruin
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